With professionalism, ethic and responsibility, our main objective is to assist our clients throughout the process of selling their property and defend their best interest.

To better understand how the process of selling real estate in Florida works, we have listed some important information of this process: 

STEP 1 – List your home

The listing agreement is a legal contract between the real estate broker and the seller. It not only establishes our relationship but details specific information on your home for potential buyers. The biggest decision when listing your home is to determine the ideal asking price. The decision of the sells price of the property, will be based on the last properties sold in the area, and on the costs invested in the property, in order to define a fair value and attractive to both parties. We also will consider recent sales and comparable houses that are currently on the market. It is the responsibility of the seller to pay the commission of the broker that is representing him. Generally the commission is 6% of the sale value, this value will be divided between the broker representing the seller and the broker representing the buyer. 

STEP 2 – Prep your home

Before your home hits the market, you’ll need to get your home in tip top shape. This means thinking like a buyer and figuring out how you can improve the appearance of your home to make it universally appealing to potential buyers. This means anything from de-cluttering and removing personal items to cleaning, to small repairs, even remodeling that bathroom you never got around too. Don’t worry, I’ll guide you through this process and assist you with everything from repair suggestions to getting bids from contractors, painters, landscapers, if necessary. Another big part of this process is staging your home. The idea behind staging is to make your home as visually appealing as possible so that prospective buyers can envision themselves living in the space. You’d be surprised by how many people can’t see past purple paint or shag carpet or outdated fixtures – and it can mean the difference between a home that sells quickly and one that sits on the market. 

STEP 3 – Advertising & Marketing

Nos Estados Unidos utilizamos o MLS (Multiple Listing Services), que é um banco de dados de imóveis à venda, e outros diversos websites e classificados para anunciar seu imóvel. O MLS é a ferramenta mais eficaz na venda de uma propriedade, pois qualquer propriedade listada a venda sera vista por todos os corretores da Flórida. A inserção dos dados do imóvel no MLS é de responsabilidade de um corretor licenciado. 

STEP 4 – Brokers’ Tours & Open Houses

Brokers’ tour is exactly what it sounds like, it’s an opportunity for brokers to preview the property so they know if it would be a potential match for one of their clients. Buyers are welcome at these tours as well, but for the most part, it’s real estate professionals checking out a new property. Open Houses are held over the weekend and where we get most of our foot traffic. We’ll advertise your property’s open house the week before so people know it will be open to view. Open houses typically last 3 hours or so and are a great opportunity to show off what your home has to offer, and find perspective buyers. Often times, people see a home at an open house then return for a private viewing with their real estate agent. 

STEP 5 – Offers

When we get our first offer, I’ll discuss the terms and conditions with you. Offers are generally presented in writing and include all the details and information about what the buyer is looking for. This includes what they are prepared to pay, how fast they’d like to close, what they’d like included in the deal, and any other conditions or contingencies. If we like the offer, we’ll accept it. But if we’re unhappy with what has been presented, we can either decline it all together, or continue negotiations by submitting a counter-offer to the buyer. My job is to bring the seller all offers, and from what is decided I will contact the broker that is representing the buyer. I’ll work with you to make sure that you get an offer and a deal that you are pleased with. 

STEP 6 – Offer Acceptance

If the offer is accepted, the next step will be waiting for the Title Company to all the bureaucratic aspects of the transfer of title. The Title Companies are formed by licensed lawyers to act on the real estate market in US, they will do a legal and juridical survey of the property, legal and juridical survey of the owner, the transfer of ownership from seller to buyer, the financial coordination between buyer, seller and bank(s), delivery of the keys and all the relevant documentation of the transaction. The Title Companies have a bank account called “Escrow”, which the purpose is to receive the entire amount to be paid by the buyer and seller. We always recommend the use of a Title Company to minimize the risk of fraud and financial problems, legal and judicial. Another option would be to use your own lawyer who makes this type of service and has company in the state where you’re buying the property. 

STEP 7 – Closing

The closing of the sale of your home is a formal process where all parties will sign the documents necessary to complete the transaction. On the day of closing the Title Company have already transferred the deed, with the property registry in the name of the new owner. The Title Company will also prepare a nominal check to the seller with all values of commissioning and other costs to be discounted. Don’t worry, I’ll be there to help make sure it runs smoothly and all the formal details are taken care of.


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